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judicial power造句

"judicial power"是什么意思  
  • The independence is the character of judicial power
  • On the distribution and application of criminal judicial powers
  • In british india , district commissioners had judicial powers
  • In british india , district commissioners had judicial powers
  • The direct function of judicial power is to resolve the dispute
    第三部分为“司法权的功能分析” 。
  • Judicial powers : comparison between ancient rome and ancient china
  • On judicial powers of interpretation over the code of criminal procedure in china
  • The second division of the paper is the conceptual analysis of judicial power
    第二部分为“司法权的概念分析” 。
  • Judicial powers are so strong that is named judges controlled country
  • Article 6 the people ' s courts shall exercise judicial powers with respect to civil cases
  • It's difficult to see judicial power in a sentence. 用judicial power造句挺难的
  • 117 . in hong kong , courts at all levels exercise judicial power independently
    117 .本港各级法院是特区的司法机关,独立行使审判权。
  • We want to give new judicial powers to the senate , and we have no laws
    他说道, “我们要赐予参政院以新的司法权,可是我们还没有法典。
  • Analysis on the debate of judicial powers between the court and department during the end of the qing dynasty
  • There are five divisions in my paper . the first division is the historical analysis of judicial power
    全文共分五大部分:第一部分为“司法权的历史分析” 。
  • Thus power of investigation is an executive power in the state ' s power structure , not a judicial power
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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